

  1. Start by painting your nails with two coats of white nail polish
  2. After they are COMPLETELY dry draw a black line horizontally across the middle, using a dotting tool.
  3. Now just do dots in domino patterns on either side of the line.For best results don't do doubles.
  4. apply a clear coat and let dry


  1. First paint your nails solid orange, it may take 2 coats.
  2. After the orange is dry, draw a low black arch starting about 1/3 of the width over, and ending about 1/3 of the way up from the cuticle on the other side.
  3. now draw little oval shapes upward. You should be able to fit 3-4 per nail.
  4. fill in the top part of the nail with black nail polish
  5. let everything dry
  6. now put little white dots in the top white part
  7. then apply a clear coat 

Bumble  Bees

  1. Paint the nails with a base coat that is blue or turquoise
  2. on every finger but the thumb paint dashes 
  3. on the thumb begin with a black oval
  4. then add a point to one end using a dotting tool
  5. on the opposite end of the oval put a Black lump
  6. put three yellow stripes in the original oval
  7. draw antennas coming out of the black lump
  8. make large whit circle ( you can outline in black if you want)
  9. apply clear coat


1. Paint your nails a brown color: the choice is yours on which to use.
2.next paint red rounded rectangles ending about 2/3 of the way up your nail
3.Draw pointed teeth over the rectangles, make sure to leave a space between the two sets
4. Put two black dots in the open space above the mouth, use judgement on where to put these eyes.
5. Clear coat.

Straw Circles

  1. Paint the nails white.
  2. Now pick some colors. 
  3. put several drops of each on a piece of paper. 
  4. take a straw and dip the end in the paint
  5. put to circles all over the nails.
  6. apply clear coat.

Pop Tarts

  1. Paint your nails brown (except for the thumb paint it blue)
  2. on the brown fingers put a squiggly whit blob leaving a narrow strip of brown all the way around. 
  3. then take bright sprinkly colors and put a drop of each on a plate. 
  4. dip a pin in the colors and then put small lines on each color on the white. 
  5. On the blue, start with the white
  6. carefully put the lettering 
  7.  the holes are made by coving the white with blue.
  8. clear coat.


  1. Paint the base coat in whatever color you want
  2. after the nails are completely dry, not at all wet or there will be issues put tape strips in desired patern
  3. paint over in second color
  4. remove tape
  5. clear coat


1- paint your thumb yellow and the other fingers orange blue red and pink in any order you choose.
2-on your thumb outline a pacman shape. then fill the outside black. it is cool if you add blue gems at the mouth.
3- for the other 4 fingers drw sqiggles on the bottom.
4-next put large white dots where eyes would be
5- then put small black dots over the white
6- apply a clear coat!

Splatter paint

  1. paint your nails white
  2. once dry tape the edges( it make everything cleaner)
  3. take a straw cut in half
  4. dip it in red paint
  5. blow onto the nail
  6. repeat with blue
  7. cleanup with a cu-tip
  8. clear coat

TMNT Nails

  1. paint your nails green, any shade but as close to turtle color as possible
  2. on each finger paint a stripe in blue, purple, red , or orange- but only one color per nail
  3. on the colored stripes put two white dots
  4. on the white dots put smaller black dots
  5. clear coat!

1 comment:

  1. love all your nail designs and can't wait to try out your stripes. my first time trying it and i hope i don't mess it up(like always).can't wait for tomorrow(it is my b-day)!
