Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Hey Guys,
 I have a great opportunity for you. For this contest I want all of the nail artists out there to send me a picture of one of their best and most original nail design. The very best, which will be chosen by me, will be featured on the blog. I really want to see what you come up with!

  • show your personal style
  • must be your own nails (no fake nails, pictures found on the internet, or created by someone else)
  • no nail stickers!
  • Due: April 17, 2012
  • all designs must be appropriate and not offensive
Please be respectful of others and make it fair, by only using your talent not stickers or other items that can be considered unfair. If you do use nail stamps it is fine but the usage will be taken into account. So, if you do use a stamp make it creative!

All entries can be sent to: thenailguru9@gmail.com . Please include the picture of your nails along with a brief description of why you chose it and what you used or even your inspiration. Please put your name too, even if it is not what you want me to post online I still need it, along with the name you want to be known as online!
 There is no limit to the number of entries. I might even consider finding another blogger for the blog, but no promises.